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Friday, November 4, 2011

Development of Friendship

A concept I found interesting this week was the set of stages of the development of friendship. The little diagram the book included was very helpful for remembering the stages. I can relate each stage to a friendship I had in high school. Our role-limited interaction began when we accidentally met through other friends. I became best friends with two girls, and these two girls were a part of a five girl group of friends that had known each other since elementary school. As a result, those two girls brought me to hang out with their group, and I met this one girl, let’s call her T. As I hung out with that group, we moved to step two, friendly relations, trying to see if we could develop a better friendship. T and I began moving towards friendship by hanging out outside of the group, or talking in the hallways and at lunch. We began to consider each other friends, and moved to step four, or nascent friendship. We stabilized our friendship by creating rules and establishing trust. We hung out a lot one-on-one outside of school too. A few years later, however, our friendship began to wane. She had very different ideas and opinions that severely clashed with mine, and she did not allow us to have differing personalities. There was a time where all communication was extremely defensive- and now it doesn’t exist at all.


Jeff! said...


The development of friendship is an interesting concept since we can think back to any friendship within our lives and apply the diagram of friendship development on page 260. I am sorry though that you had to experience the waning part of friendship on bad terms where it ended after that. It is possible to get it back together, but that is a choice only you can make. The will to re-establish friendships are what keeps them running no matter what happens, and I hope you consider this in mind with the friend you lost, but disregard this if your friend had caused you too much trouble for a friendship to never happen again because I would not know what exactly happened.

Live life to the fullest! :) thanks for sharing again!


MaryLou said...

Hi Lindsay,

I had a similar friendship in high school. I feel like many friendships in high school end this way. When you are in a group of friends in high school it is hard to exclude some people and not others just because you clash with them or don't agree with the person they are. A girl and I were friends in the same group in high school, at first we met through other friends. We only hung out in the group, and eventually we started hanging out one on one. It was never open and comfortable for me, I felt like we only hung out one on one because we were in the same group. We would confide in each other about minimal things, but after high school we stopped being friends. She's a really nice girl, but I just didn't get along with her personality. This section was interesting for me to, to analyze certain friendships and follow the steps to what they are now.

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