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Friday, November 18, 2011

Family Stages

A concept I found interesting this week is the typical life cycle of families with childre. This 7 stage cycle was clearly defined step by step in our book. The book acknowledged that not every stage would be followed by every family, but that this was a generalized cycle. Seeing the cycle written in Figure 12.2 put life in a new perspective for me and made it appear extremely short and compact. In reality, however, each stage does ideally last for a good amount of time. I feel like one of the most difficult stages for a couple would be Stage 6, or the postlaunching of children. This stage seems hard, because after having a long life of watching and helping your children grow, it all ends. They leave home and I could imagine that would be a very startling transition for a couple. Returning to a relationship where the couple is once again the primary unit could be odd at first. However, maybe it would just take a little time to get back into the old rhythm, and a couple would begin to enjoy more freedom with less responsibilities. I know that after seeing this cycle, if I plan to have kids I would want to have them spread out over years, in order to prolong the cycle and keep Stage 6 as far away as possible.


EatingTurtle said...

Hi Lindsey!

I wrote about the same thing(: I too imagine it would be hard for a couple around stage 6! I think it would be difficult for couples to go back to once what they were. It's interesting though. Couples prior to kids may have known each other for awhile, maybe a year, date for 2 years, or 5, sometimes more sometimes less. Than they get married, maybe wait another 2 to 3 years before having kids. That's about a good 5 years at least before having kids! If they were able to stay together for 5 years without kids, one would think it would be easy to revert back to their young coupled selves. But they engage in raising their kids for at least 18 years! If they had one child, That's a good chunk of time. Sometimes it scares me to even think that far ahead.

lead_succeed said...


With the seven stage cycle of families with children, I took interest in it as well. I mean, it was cool to see how the cycle looked, and then look back at my life and to see how it followed, except the seventh one. I can't imagine how hard it is for parents to let go of their children. I heard or read from somewhere (can't remember where for some reason), that a parents job is to prepare their children to leave them. A lady said she was shocked to hear that, but knew it was true. Awww I can't believe I can't remember where it came from. It would become a valuable source, but oh well.

Thanks for sharing.


eyuen510 said...

Your post was very enjoyable and sad but true to read. It must be very hard to see people try to raise a family in today's society which I understand why people try to post launch having children. You're right, it must be very difficult for parents to have to watch their children grow up and then eventually having to watch them leave you and start their own lives while they return to their pre-lives of children. As hard as it is, it must be done. We want our future children to have a good successful life, their own lives. We will try to do our best to raise them and as responsible parents, let them experience the world on their own. Great post again!

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