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Monday, December 5, 2011

Continuing Conflict Management

One concept that I would have liked to discuss further would definitely be conflict management. In any relationship, no matter what the type, there is always some sort of conflict, and I feel as if most people don’t know the best way to deal with it. Also, as I have experienced since reading that chapter, when one side of the relationship knows how to effectively manage conflict, the quality of communication in the relationship greatly improves. I am even considering making some people in my relationships read that chapter, because I feel like if both of us knew the techniques for effective conflict management, our relationships would benefit greatly. Conflict management is an important concept, because people who manage conflict poorly risk ruining good relationships. I have definitely experienced times where my relationship with someone almost fell apart completely because neither of us could listen to the other or focus on the main point rather than kitchensinking during a conflict. I think conflict management is a topic that could be discussed endlessly, due to its importance in any and every relationship.


jossshhuaa said...


Last week already! Thanks for all the insights. This one was no different as well. I also picked this topic to discuss in my final concept post and for many good reasons. This chapter, like you said, was full of good insight and strategies on reducing conflict. However, I wish I had the guts like you to recommend that chapter to my friends. I personally feel like I would start conflict just by suggesting that to them. They may think that I’m telling them they are bad at handling relationships. Maybe I just should find new friends who don’t take things so seriously! Just kidding, I love them all to death. I know you didn’t mean anything bad by saying that either. Good luck with finals!

By the way, what is kitchensinking? I’ve never heard of that.


Flora Winter said...

Hi Lindsay,

I really liked your choice of conflict management for further discussion. Courses are offered in conflict management all the time because it is one of those things that everyone could benefit from learning. Workplaces have certain protocol for conflict management because it is meant to be as conducive and appeasing as possible. If people learned to manage conflict effectively, communication would be much better and disagreements avoided. Certainly all problems cannot be avoided, but at least having a basic foundation for conflict management can prevent unnecessary and further escalation of the problem. Issues arise in all types of relationships so I think that conflict management would be beneficial for everyone to learn since we are always communicating with each other. Great post!

Nimsaj said...

Great post Lind$ay!
Conflict Management is something I would have liked to discuss further as well. In all relationships conflict of some sort happens and everyone should learn the skills to get through conflict without it leading to a deterioration of the relationship. I agree that most people do not know how to handle conflict and handling conflict is the foundation to being successful. I have been in some workplace situations where poor conflict management lead to poor moral in amongst coworkers. Had the conflict been managed correctly this could have been avoided. Great post and great idea to allow some people you have relationships with to read about this. As long as one person understands conflict management then a relationship will improve nonetheless! BTW I too wonder what kitchensinking it means.

EatingTurtle said...

Hi Lind$ay! I giggled when you said you considered making people read certain parts of the book. I thought about that too! I always read something and think to myself "Oh my gosh, I wish I could make my friend read this!" I feel like this class is something EVERYONE should take and enjoy taking! I feel like conflict management is a great topic to expand on, maybe there's even a separate class for it. A lot of times I feel like conflict is never handle "properly" or to the best it can be handled and as a result friendships are lost. Too bad not everyone knows how to handle them correctly, and as you said, if only they read the section on conflict we'd able to solve problems more effectively.

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