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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Online Deceit

I agree that online there is a greater potential to be deceitful and to be fooled or lied to. I do not believe this is ethical. Online communication should be treated no differently that personal face to face communication. The only difference is that online makes it easier to speak to people far away that we wouldn’t have been able to meet otherwise. Although deception is likely in either kind of interaction, it is slightly easier and doesn’t feel as wrong when it’s done online, and therefore I believe it is more likely online. Face to face, people can deceive by lying, skewing information, omitting important facts. Online, all of this can be done too, but the extent of the lies is much greater. You can’t lie about you gender, hair color, or height face to face, but online you can create yourself to be any person you want. Although not ethical, it is easily and often done, either with the intention of deceit or because the person is insecure of their true traits.


jossshhuaa said...


I completely agree with you that online deceit is much easier than face to face lies. Not having to lie to someone’s face makes it much more easier to lie to them, in my opinion. Sometimes, I don’t feel bad about pretending to be someone who I am not. When I use to play online games or participate in forums, I would portray a version of me that was completely different. I acted as if I was older, only I was really a teenager, I pretended to have certain material things, have a certain job, and other things of that nature. It didn’t matter to me because I would never meet them. However in person, it’s the opposite. People see me for me. Its also a lot harder to lie in person too.


eyuen510 said...

Everything you said in this post I agree. There are so many ways for people to deceive people online and in person. You wrote basically the same thing I wrote. You can change the way you look online and put up different pictures, lie about who you are entirely, but in face to face, you can lie about your traits, personality, but not exactly your looks. The idea of online communication is good, but the way people go about it is ethical as you said. You are able to lie so much more and easier online.

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