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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Communication with Family Members

I definitely have parts of my identity as a result of communication with my family. I experienced a secure attachment style when I was younger, and I can see that it helped me be confident, affectionate, and able to deal with any difficult situations. I find it interesting that the likelihood of developing a specific attachment style depends on your socioeconomic class. It does make sense though that those with less money experience harsher conditions, and as a result may raise their children differently than those with more money and easier conditions. However, according to a recent study, one can change their attachment style. It showed that although a parental attachment style is formed first, a romantic partner could help the individual change their attachment style. Basically, our attachment styles can be altered by those we currently have intimate relationships with. This could be good for those who have negative attachment styles and have a positive relationship, or bad if vice versa. I believe, however, that the individual has the ultimate control over whether their style changes or not.

1 comment:

MaryLou said...

Hi Lindsay,

I definitely agree with your point that someones attachment style can be changed, and by choice. Unfortunately everyone isn't guaranteed with a perfect childhood and up-bringing, but eventually once you become an adult, the only person you can blame for your unhappiness is yourself. One of my friends who was adopted, I think she has some insecurity issues because of that fact, even though he adopted parents brought her up in a secure loving atmosphere. I found this concept the most interesting as well because I never realized how influential the years from when you're born to five years old really are.

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