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Monday, September 26, 2011


There are six different forms of nonlistening. In pseudolistening, one pretends to listen, while in monopolizing, one manipulates the conversation to be all about themselves. Selective listening involves focusing on only parts of communication, and defensive listening involves perceiving negative criticisms or attacks when there are none. Ambushing is listening for the purpose of attacking the speaker, and literal listening is listening only for content and ignoring relationship meaning. I tend to participate in both pseudolistening and some monopolizing. There are times when I feel like the person I'm speaking to is going on about only themselves and not making it a two-person conversation, and then I will either pseudolisten or start talking only about myself. Also, I often find myself pseudolistening in classes. In order to overcome this pseudolistening, I will start making an effort to consciously realize when the conversation is getting to the point of me not wanting to listen. Then I will either engage the other person to bring the conversation back to a two way communication, or I will leave the conversation. Rather than monopolizing, I will start asking questions about things that interest me, so that I will be able to be a part of the conversation with the other person. Although I listen actively for the most part, there are definitely times when I find myself nonlistening, and I should try to change that for myself.

1 comment:

jossshhuaa said...


I really enjoyed your insight on non-listening. Its amazing to see how easily we engage in non-listening without even knowing it. Peusdolistening is an activity that people can be engaged unconsciously. I feel like you have a solid plan on overcoming and avoiding pesudolistening. By forcing yourself to make a choice to either have quality responses or leave the conversation is great. It allows you to be more honest with who you’re conversing with.

On the other hand, I don’t know how helpful your plan to avoid monopolizing is. I feel as if you tailor the conversation to your interests it still has aspects of monopolizing. When I talk to people, I ask about their interests or things about their lives and just let the verbal vomit flow. Just my two cents. ☺

Thanks for the post and good luck in eliminating non-listening!


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